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General Links

This page is for links about Native American languages in general.  If you're looking for links for a specific language, go to that language's page by using the Pick a language bar above.

If you have a link that you would like me to add here, please e-mail me.

Intertribal Wordpath Society: For the preservation of Oklahoma's tribal languages

LanguageGeek.com:  Chris Harvey's website, with fonts and downloadable keyboards for tribal languages, including Cherokee, Kanza, Muscogee, Cayuga, Cheyenne, Seneca, and Comanche

Native American Language Net: Preserving and promoting American Indian languages

Omniglot: Writing systems & languages of the world

Indianersprachen.de: Description of six different Indian languages (includes Cheyenne, Cherokee, Chippewa, and Lenape), and a brief introductory conversation in each language.

(Note: the automatic English translation sometimes messes up the words in the tribal languages, so just use the English translation to read the German text.)
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